SFNM - San Francisco Network Ministries
SFNM stands for San Francisco Network Ministries
Here you will find, what does SFNM stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate San Francisco Network Ministries? San Francisco Network Ministries can be abbreviated as SFNM What does SFNM stand for? SFNM stands for San Francisco Network Ministries. What does San Francisco Network Ministries mean?San Francisco Network Ministries is an expansion of SFNM
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Alternative definitions of SFNM
View 4 other definitions of SFNM on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SFNMHCI San Francisco Network of Mental Health Clients Inc.
- SFO San Francisco Ombudsman
- SFOP San Francisco Organizing Project
- SFPT San Francisco Parks Trust
- SFP San Francisco Performances
- SFPURA San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Association
- SFRPDNA&VP San Francisco Recreation and Park Department - Natural Areas & Volunteer Programs
- SFRM San Francisco Rescue Mission
- SFSAFEI San Francisco S.A.F.E. Inc.
- SFSV San Francisco School Volunteers
- SFSAN San Francisco Senior Action Network
- SFSF San Francisco Shakespeare Festival
- SFSPCA San Francisco SPCA
- SFSPI San Francisco Starting Points Initiative
- SFSU San Francisco State University
- SFTF San Francisco Theater Festival
- SFUSD San Francisco Unified School District
- SFUHS San Francisco University High School
- SFUSP San Francisco Urban Service Project
- SFWS San Francisco Waldorf School